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Paint Cabinet Filters

Paint Cabinet Filters

These filters are used for the industrial paint systems, they ensure the required clean air and they are produced in different sizes and from different materials.

Where are the Paint Cabinet Filters used?

The paint cabinet filters are mostly preferred in the industrial paint systems. They are used according to the factory’s preference in facilities such as domestic goods production and automobile factories.

What are the production measurements and the materials used during the production of the paint cabinet filters?

They are mostly produced in the following sizes; 320 x 600, 320 x 540, 320 x 660, 300 x 600, 320 x 1000. However, the paint cabinet filters can be produced as a special production according to your filter measurements. Paper or polyester can be used in the paint cabinet filter from 5 microns up to 20 microns, depending on the area of use. In addition, oven ceiling filters pre-filters and heat-resistant glass fiber filters are also available among our products.

What are the Considerations related to the Paint Cabinet Filters?

The quality of the produced paint cabinet filter is determined by the used materials appropriate in filter production and by being produced in real microns. When producing the paint cabinet filters the material selection should be made according to the place of use. The produced filter should be designed to resist against high pressure. Experience is one of the most important factors in filter production. The filter which was produced by an expert will not only last longer but also it will prevent your machines and equipment from the unexpected hazards. As Nuvofil we provide our customers the experience and knowledge we have gained for many years.

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